Aminet 22
Aminet 22 (1997)(GTI - Schatztruhe)[!][Dec 1997].iso
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Text File
1,568 lines
; $VER: Install_ViNCEd 40.9 (27th August 1997)
; Script to install ViNCEd version 40.51
; © 1993-97 THOR - Software
; The installer software is copyrighted © 1993 CBM
; tell the user that we're 0% done
(complete 0)
; useful procedure
(procedure TERMINATE (makeassign "..VNC..")
(procedure JOIN (
(if (not (exists (name)))
(abort (#exit-not-found name 0))
(if (set ioerr (run ("c:copy \"%s\" to t:__tempfile__" name)))
(abort (#exit-not-found name ioerr))
(if (set ioerr (run ("c:join t:__tempfile__ \"%s\" to \"%s\"" joinsoure name)))
(abort (#exit-not-found name ioerr))
(run ("c:delete t:__tempfile__"))
(set #locale (tackon #target "Locale"))
(if (not (exists #locale))
(makedir #locale)
(set #locale (tackon #locale "Catalogs"))
(if (not (exists #locale))
(makedir #locale)
(set #locale (tackon #locale #lang_arg))
(if (not (exists #locale))
(makedir #locale)
(set #locale (tackon #locale "VNC"))
(if (not (exists #locale))
(makedir #locale)
(set #locale_source (tackon "..VNC..:LOCALE/catalogs" (tackon #lang_arg "VNC")))
(source #locale_source)
(dest #locale)
; termination stuff
(onerror (TERMINATE))
; get current WB version
(set #version (/ (getversion "LIBS:version.library") 65536))
;get language specific strings
; English strings
(set default_lang 4)
(set #yes "Yes")
(set #no "No")
(set #which-disk
(cat "In which disk should ViNCEd be installed?"
(set #exit-not-decoded
(cat "The SetVNC program can't be encoded. Conact the author at "
(set #which-disk-help
(cat "\nThis section lets you choose in which disk the "
"ViNCEd files should be installed. These should normally go in the same "
"location as the Workbench files, i.e. the boot partition or -disk.\n\n"
(set #no-assign
(cat "\nThe destination has to be a system disk. The drawers S,DEVS,LIBS "
"and C must exist there.\n\n"
(set #old-name
(cat "OLD"
(set #move-old
(cat "\n\nShall I backup the following files to the \"%s\" drawer?\n\n%s" ))
(set #move-old-help
(cat "\nInstalling ViNCEd will replace some current Workbench files, "
"the Startup- and MountList files. "
"In order to preserve any changes you have previously made to these "
"files, the installation process will copy them to the \"%s\" drawer "
"where they can later be retrieved."
(set #move-old-1
(cat "Copy"
(set #move-old-2
(cat "Skip"
(set #ask-vnc
(cat "Please locate the ViNCEd source directory:"
(set #ask-vnc-help
(cat "Please specify here the directory where you've unpacked the "
"archive to. The default I selected for you should work in "
"(almost) all cases, so don't worry about selecting another "
(set #do-mount
(cat "Do you want to add the mount entries for the ViNCEd handler?"
(set #mount-help
(cat "If you want to install ViNCEd as a shell window driver "
"you must MOUNT ViNCEd as a device, like the RAD ram disk or a "
"hard disk. The information needed how to do this is "
"included in mount entries, which must be added to the "
"system list of devices. I advise you to answer with a YES "
"since NOT mounting ViNCEd is rather useless. "
(set #modify-startup
(cat "Do you want to mount ViNCEd automatically on startup?"
(set #override-con
(cat "Replace the CON: handler by ViNCEd?"
(set #override-help
(cat "With an extra command added to the startup-sequence "
"ViNCEd can be configured to replace Commodore's "
"system window handler, CON:. This results in opening "
"every console window, like the windows used for ARexx, "
"Ed and much more, as an ViNCEd window. If you choose to "
"do so, I advice you NOT to turn on the "
"\"Use Shell Mode by Default\" flag in the preferences "
"editor. Read more about this in the guide."
(set #modify-startup-help
(cat "The command to be added is \"%s\"\n\n"
"This will mount ViNCEd automatically."
(set #which-name
(cat "Mount ViNCEd under which name?"
(set #which-name-help
(cat "ViNCEd can be mounted as VNC: or as NEWCON:. "
"It works fine under both names, but you should use NEWCON: "
"with Workbench 1.3 to replace the system window handler. "
(set #copy-lib
(cat "Shall I copy the vnc.library to the LIBS: drawer?"
(set #copy-lib-help
(cat "The vnc.library is the heard of the ViNCEd window driver and "
"contains the handler itself. The window handler won't work "
"with it, and not installing it makes the installation useless."
(set #copy-setvnc
(cat "Shall I install the SetVNC control program to the C: drawer?"
(set #copy-setvnc-help
(cat "The SetVNC program acts as a preference program for the ViNCEd "
"system. It provides not only a complete preferences editor, but "
"also functions for job control. Please consult the guide to find "
"out more about this program."
(set #do-locale
(cat "Which languages do you want to install?"
(set #locale-help
(cat "ViNCEd can be localized for various languages. Please mark "
"here all languages you like to install. The necessary localization "
"data will be then copied to your system as part of the "
"installation process, namely to the LOCALE: drawer."
(set #do-prefs
(cat "Shall I install the preferences icon?"
(set #prefs-help
(cat "This icon will be copied in your Prefs drawer and will "
"invoke the preferences editor of ViNCEd, the SetVNC "
"program. A nice graphical user interface will allow you "
"to setup the parameters of ViNCEd then."
(set #copy-help
(cat "O.K. to install the ViNCEd online Guide?"
(set #copy-help-help
(cat "The ViNCEd guide is a complete documentation of "
"the handler and the preferences editor, SetVNC. "
"It is invoked by the Help key in the shell "
"or by a Help button in the preferences editor. If you aren't "
"really low on disk space, you should install it."
(set #help-dir
(cat "Please select the drawer to install the guide in:"
(set #help-help
(cat "ViNCEd comes with an online help guide, using Commodore's "
"AmigaGuide or MultiView program. Please select the drawer to copy "
"this database to."
(set #do-docs
(cat "Shall I install the ViNCEd include files?"
(set #docs-where
(cat "Please select the drawer for the include and link library files:"
(set #docs-help
(cat "If you want to use all the features of ViNCEd, you need "
"the C- and assembler include files for writing own "
"programs that call ViNCEd. It is recommended "
"that you use the link library stub routines for this task. "
(set #browser-where
(cat "Please locate your favorite AmigaGuide browser:"
(set #browser-help
(cat "Please select a program that can display AmigaGuide files. "
"This should be AmigaGuide or Multiview. As a last resort, "
"select MORE or Ed, that can be found in the Utilities or "
"C: drawer of your workbench disk."
(set #do-scripts
(cat "Shall I install the shell scripts?"
(set #scripts-help
(cat "The scripts replace the SetFont and the SetKeyboard command files "
"in a ViNCEd compatible way. Three other tiny scripts are useful "
"shortcuts for job control functions. "
(set #where-scripts
(cat "Where shall I copy the scripts to?"
(set #where-scripts-help
(cat "Shell scripts should be usually placed in the S directory of your "
"startup device, where they will be found by the shell by default. "
"However, if you prefer a different location, go ahead, but make "
"shure the shell can find them, or they are useless."
(set #copy-icon
(cat "Shall I replace the shell icon?"
(set #copy-icon-help
(cat "If you want to use ViNCEd as shell editor, I advice you to "
"replace the system icon by the icon that comes with this "
"archive. It selects a ViNCEd path as shell window."
(set #where-shell
(cat "Please select the directory the shell icon resides in:"
(set #where-shell-help
(cat "If you want to replace the default shell icon, "
"please tell me where you have put it. By default, this "
"is either the root directory of your boot-volume, or "
"the Systems drawer. Please note that I need the "
"DIRECTORY, not the file!"
(set #do-patch
(cat "Shall I patch ARexx to remove a bug?"
(set #patch-help
(cat "The rexxsyslib.library function WaitDosPacket has a bug "
"which might cause crashes. This is not a "
"specific ViNCEd problem, and "
"may also occure with other programs. You should install "
"this patch to repair the library."
(set #copy-stringsnip
(cat "Shall I install the StringSnip command?"
(set #install-stringsnip
(cat "Shall I start StringSnip at startup time?"
(set #stringsnip-help
(cat "StringSnip is a small utility, which, if installed, enhances "
"the editor features of string gadgets in a way compareable "
"to ViNCEd. Amiga-X cut the contents, Amiga-C copies them and "
"Amiga-V inserts the clipboard. Additional cursor key "
"combinations like those provided by ViNCEd make this a useful "
"tool, which works independent from ViNCEd."
(set #copy-multiassigns
(cat "Shall I install the TrueMultiAssigns command?"
(set #install-multiassigns
(cat "Shall I run TrueMultiAssigns at startup time?"
(set #multiassigns-help
(cat "The TrueMultiAssigns program is a patch command that makes the "
"pattern matching routines of AmigaDOS operating correctly on "
"multi directory assigns. "
"The TAB expansion directory cache of ViNCEd expects that this "
"patch is installed, so please add it to the system."
"Several programs can be found for the same job, but all I "
"inspected are more or less broken, including MultiCX and "
"the old TrueMultiAssigns 1.02 by Marcus Wild, and don't work "
"with ViNCEd. I recommend to use my patch, since it has been "
"tested to support ViNCEd."
(set #copy-unixdirs
(cat "Shall I install the UnixDirs command?"
(set #install-unixdirs
(cat "Shall I run TrueMultiAssigns at startup time?"
(set #unixdirs-help
(cat "This fine program, developped by Timo Kaikumaa, adds "
"unix style directory addressing to the Amiga OS. To give "
"an example, the dot (.) can be used to refer to the current "
"directory, the double dot (..) is a replacement for the "
"parent directory and the single slash refers to the root "
"directory. By default, the star (*) gets also a legal "
"wild card character, replacing the usual #? sequence.\n"
"Thanks goes to Timo for allowing me to redistribute his "
(set #copy-uxhelp
(cat "O.K. to install the UnixDirs Guide?"
(set #copy-uxhelphelp
(cat "This is the documentation for the UnixDirs "
"program by Timo Kaikumaa. Unless you're really "
"low on disk space, please install it as well."
(set #exit-not-found
(cat "Unable to find your file \"%s\" - DOS error %ld "
"- installation aborted. "
(set #exit-text
(cat "Installation of ViNCEd done. Hope you enjoy it..."
; German strings
(if (= @language "deutsch")
(set default_lang 2)
(set #yes "Ja")
(set #no "Nein")
(set #which-disk
(cat "Auf welcher Diskette oder Festplatte soll ViNCEd "
"installiert werden?"
(set #which-disk-help
(cat "Hier können Sie wählen, auf welchem Gerät "
"die ViNCEd-Dateien installiert werden sollen. "
"Sie sollten normalerweise an dieselbe Stelle installiert werden "
"wie die Workbench-Dateien, also auf die "
"Boot-Partition bzw. Diskette.\n\n"
(set #no-assign
(cat "\nDas Ziel muß ein Systemlaufwerk sein. Die Ordner S,DEVS,LIBS "
"und C müssen dort vorhanden sein.\n\n"
(set #old-name
(cat "ALT"
(set #move-old
(cat "\n\nSollen folgende Dateien zur Sicherheit in die "
"Schublade \"%s\" kopiert werden?\n\n%s"
(set #exit-not-decoded
(cat "Das SetVNC Programm kann nicht entkodiert werden. Bitte benachrichtigen "
"Sie mich unter thor@math.tu-berlin.de."
(set #move-old-help
(cat "\nDie Installation von ViNCEd ersetzt die einige der bisherigen "
"Workbench-Dateien, so die Startup- und MountList Files. "
"Damit alle Ergänzungen, die Sie früher an diesen Dateien "
"vorgenommen haben, nicht verloren gehen, werden sie bei der "
"Installation in die Schublade \"%s\" kopiert, woher Sie "
"sie später zurückholen können."
(set #move-old-1
(cat "Kopieren"
(set #move-old-2
(cat "Überspringen"
(set #ask-vnc
(cat "Bitte wählen Sie den ViNCEd Quellordner aus:"
(set #ask-vnc-help
(cat "Bitte wählen Sie hier den Ordner aus, in den Sie das "
"ViNCEd-Archiv entpackt haben. Die von mir gewählte "
"Voreinstellung sollte in (fast) allen Fällen funktionieren, "
"bemühen Sie sich also nicht eine andere auszuwählen.\n\n"
(set #do-mount
(cat "Sollen die Mount-Einträge für den ViNCEd Handler kopiert werden?"
(set #mount-help
(cat "Falls Sie ViNCEd als einen Shell-Fester Treiber verwenden "
"möchten, muß es als ein Gerät vorher angemeldet werden, "
"ebenso wie die RAD Ramdisk oder eine Festplatte. "
"Die hierfür notwendigen Informationen befinden sich "
"in Mount-Einträgen, die zu der Systemliste der Geräte "
"hinzugefügt werden. Sie sollten hier mit JA antworten, "
"denn es ist recht witzlos, ViNCEd nicht als ein Gerät "
(set #modify-startup
(cat "Wollen Sie ViNCEd beim Hochfahren des Systems automatisch einbinden?"
(set #modify-startup-help
(cat "Das einzufügende Kommando ist \"%s\"\n\n"
"Damit wird ViNCEd in das System eingebunden."
(set #override-con
(cat "Soll der CON:-handler durch ViNCEd ersetzt werden?"
(set #override-help
(cat "Durch ein zusätzliches Kommando in der startup-sequence "
"kann ViNCEd so konfiguriert werden, daß es den System-"
"Fenstertreiber CON: ersetzt. Dies führt dazu, daß alle "
"Programme, die ein Konsolenfenster öffnen, etwa ARexx "
"Ed und einige mehr, stattdessen ein komfortableres "
"ViNCEd Fenster erhalten. Falls Sie diese Option einstellen "
"möchten, sollten Sie aber das Flag "
"\"Shell Modus als Voreinstellung\" im Voreinsteller nicht "
"anwählen. Schauen Sie bitte auch in den Guide, um mehr "
"hierüber zu erfahren."
(set #which-name
(cat "ViNCEd unter welchem Namen einbinden?"
(set #which-name-help
(cat "ViNCEd kann als VNC: oder als NEWCON: in das System eingebunden "
"werden. Der Handler funktioniert unter beiden Namen gleich "
"gut, aber unter Workbench 1.3 sollten Sie NEWCON: verwenden, "
"um den Betriebssystemtreiber zu ersetzen."
(set #copy-lib
(cat "Soll die vnc.library in den LIBS:-Ordner kopiert werden?"
(set #copy-lib-help
(cat "Die vnc.library ist eine Funktionsbibliothek und stellt "
"das Herz des gesamten ViNCEd Systems dar, ohne die nichts "
"funktioniert. Sie enthält den Fenstertreiber, ohne den "
"die ganze Installation recht witzlos wird."
(set #copy-setvnc
(cat "Soll das SetVNC Programm in die C:-Schublade kopiert werden?"
(set #copy-setvnc-help
(cat "Das SetVNC Programm ist der Voreinsteller für ViNCEd. "
"Es enthält nicht nur eine graphische Oberfläche für die "
"Voreinstellungen, sondern auch Funktionen für die Job "
"Kontrolle. Schauen Sie bitte in die Anleitung, um mehr "
"über dieses Programm herauszufinden."
(set #do-locale
(cat "Welche Übersetzungen sollen installiert werden?"
(set #locale-help
(cat "ViNCEd beherrscht verschiedene Sprachen, benötigt aber "
"dafür Katalogfiles, die als Teil der Installation in "
"den LOCALE: Ordner kopiert werden. Bitte wählen Sie hier "
"aus, welche Sprachen Sie installieren wollen."
(set #do-prefs
(cat "Soll das Voreinsteller-Icon installiert werden?"
(set #prefs-help
(cat "Dieses Piktogramm wird in den Prefs-Ordner kopiert "
"und ruft das SetVNC-Programm als Voreinsteller von "
"ViNCEd auf. Sie können dann mit einer netten graphischen "
"Benutzeroberfläche die Voreinstellungen des ViNCEd-Systems "
"Ihren Bedürfnissen anpassen."
(set #copy-help
(cat "Möchten Sie die ViNCEd Online-Dokumentation installieren?"
(set #copy-help-help
(cat "Der ViNCEd Guide ist eine vollständige Dokumentation des "
"Fenstertreibers und des Einstellungsprogrammes SetVNC. "
"Er wird aufgerufen, wenn Sie in der Shell die Help Taste "
"oder einen Hilfe-Knopf im Voreinsteller drücken. "
"Falls Ihre Platte nicht wirklich voll ist, sollten Sie "
"diese Anleitung auch installieren."
(set #help-dir
(cat "Bitte wählen Sie den Ordner, in den der Guide "
"installiert werden soll:"
(set #help-help
(cat "ViNCEd besitzt eine Online-Hilfe, die mittels Commodores AmigaGuide "
"oder Multiview Programmes Hilfestellung bei der Arbeit mit ViNCEd bietet. Geben Sie "
"hier an, in welchen Order der Datensatz kopiert werden soll."
(set #do-docs
(cat "Sollen die ViNCEd Include-Dateien installiert werden?"
(set #docs-where
(cat "In welchen Ordner sollen die Include-Files installiert werden:"
(set #docs-help
(cat "Wenn Sie alle Möglichkeiten ViNCEds nutzen wollen, so benötigen "
"Sie zum Erstellen von Programmen, die ViNCEd aufrufen, "
"die Include-Files und die Link-Libraries. "
"Sie sollten dann ViNCEd durch die stub-Funktionen "
"dieser Link-Libraries aufrufen. "
(set #browser-where
(cat "Bitte wählen Sie ihr favorisiertes AmigaGuide - Anzeigeprogramm:"
(set #browser-help
(cat "Wählen Sie hier bitte ein Programm, mit dem man sich AmigaGuide "
"Dateieen anzeigen lassen kann. Dies sollte der AmigaGuide oder "
"das Programm Multiview sein. Als letzen Ausweg kann hier "
"MORE oder Ed angegeben werden. Diese Programme finden Sie "
"in der Utilities oder C: Schublade Ihrer Workbench-Diskette."
(set #do-scripts
(cat "Sollen die Shell Skripte installiert werden?"
(set #scripts-help
(cat "Zwei dieser Skripte ersetzen die SetFont und SetKeyboard Kommandos "
"durch ViNCEd kompatible Shell-Skripte. Drei weitere Skripte "
"dienen als Abkürzung für die Job-Kontrollfunktionen der "
"VNC Bibliothek."
(set #where-scripts
(cat "Wohin sollen die Skripte kopiert werden?"
(set #where-scripts-help
(cat "Shell-Skripte gehören für gewöhnlich in den S:-Ordner Ihrer "
"Boot-Platte, wo sie auch von der Shell gefunden werden können. "
"Natürlich können Sie die Skripte auch an andere Stellen kopieren, "
"jedoch sollten sie dort auch von der Shell gefunden werden, da sie "
"sonst recht nutzlos sind."
(set #copy-icon
(cat "Soll das Shell-Icon ersetzt werden?"
(set #copy-icon-help
(cat "Falls Sie ViNCEd als Shell-Editor verwenden möchten, sollten "
"sie das System-Icon durch das mitgeliferte Icon ersetzen, "
"das als Shell-Fenster ein ViNCEd Pfad verwendet."
(set #where-shell
(cat "Bitte spezifizieren Sie den Ordner, in dem sich das Shell-Icon "
(set #where-shell-help
(cat "Falls Sie das Shell-Icon wirklich ersetzen wollen, müssen Sie "
"hier angeben, wo es sich befindet. Dies ist üblicherweise "
"das Hauptverzeichnis des Boot-Gerätes oder der Systems "
"Ordner auf dem gleichen Gerät. Bitte beachten Sie, daß "
"die Schublade benötigt wird und nicht das Icon selbst."
(set #do-patch
(cat "Soll ein Fehler aus der ARexx Bibliothek entfernt werden?"
(set #patch-help
(cat "The rexxsyslib.library Funktion WaitDosPacket hat einen Fehler, "
"der manche anderen Programme abstürzen lassen kann. Dies ist "
"kein spezifisches Problem von ViNCEd! Sie sollten diesen Patch "
"installieren, um die Bibliothek zu reparieren."
(set #copy-stringsnip
(cat "Soll das StringSnip-Kommand kopiert werden?"
(set #install-stringsnip
(cat "Soll StringSnip beim Hochfahren gestartet werden?"
(set #stringsnip-help
(cat "Stringsnip ist ein kleines Hilfsprogramm, das, einmal "
"installiert, die Edier-Möglichkeiten der String-Gadgets "
"entschieden verbessert. Zum einen werden Clipboard-Funktionen "
"wie Amiga-C (Kopieren) Amiga-X (Ausschneiden) und Amiga-V "
"(Clipboard-Inhalt einfügen) unterstützt, zum anderen werden "
"Cursortastenkombinationen vergleichbar mit denen von ViNCEd "
"zur Verfügung gestellt. StringSnip funktioniert auch unabhängig "
"von ViNCEd und sollte als nützliches Tool installiert "
(set #copy-multiassigns
(cat "Soll das TrueMultiAssigns Kommando kopiert werden?"
(set #install-multiassigns
(cat "Soll der TrueMultiAssigns Patch beim Hochfahren "
"gestartet werden?"
(set #multiassigns-help
(cat "Das TrueMultiAssigns Programm korrigiert the AmigaDOS Jokerzeichen "
"routinen derart, daß sie korrekt mit Mehrfach-Assigns "
"zusammenarbeiten. "
"Der TAB Expansion Cache von ViNCEd benötigt diesen Patch, "
"installieren sie ihn daher bitte. "
"Zur Behebung der Probleme mit Mehrfach-Assigns können einige "
"Programme auf dem AmiNet gefunden werden, jedoch sind alle, "
"die ich getestet habe, mehr oder minder defekt, wie z.B. "
"MultiCX oder auch das alte TrueMultiAssigns 1.02 von "
"Marcus Wild, und funktionieren darum nicht korrekt mit "
"ViNCEd. Ich emfehle Ihnen, meinen Patch zu verwenden, "
"denn er wurde erfolgreich mit ViNCEd getestet."
(set #copy-unixdirs
(cat "Soll das UnixDirs Kommando installiert werden?"
(set #install-unixdirs
(cat "Soll UnixDirs beim Booten gestartet werden?"
(set #unixdirs-help
(cat "Dieses hilfreiche Programm, entwickelt von Timo Kaikuma, bringt "
"dem Amiga DOS Unix-artige Verzeichnisnamen bei. Um ein paar "
"Beispiele zu nennen, kann der Punkt (.) nun als Abkürzung für "
"die augenblickliche Directory und der doppelte Punkt (..) als "
"Name des übergeordneten Verzeichnisses verwendet werden. Ebenso "
"ist der Schrägstrich nun ein Ersatz für das Wurzelverzeichnis. "
"Per Voreinstellung ist der Stern (*) nun auch ein gültiges "
"Jokerzeichen, das die sonst übliche #? Sequenz ersetzt.\n"
"Dank geht an Timo, der mir erlaubte, UnixDirs hier erneut "
"zu veröffentlichen."
(set #copy-uxhelp
(cat "Soll der UnixDirs-Guide installiert werden?"
(set #copy-uxhelphelp
(cat "Dies ist die Dokumentation des UnixDirs "
"Programmes von Timo Kaikumaa. Sie sollten sie "
"ebenfalls installieren, es sei denn, Sie haben "
"wirklich keinen freien Plattenplatz mehr."
(set #exit-not-found
(cat "Kann das File \"%s\" nicht finden - DOS Fehler %ld "
"- Installation abgebrochen."
(set #exit-text
(cat "ViNCEd Installation beendet."
;say hi !
; get target directory where update is to be installed
(set #old_wb "SYS:")
(set #target (askdir (prompt #which-disk)
(help #which-disk-help)
(default #old_wb)
(if (not (and (exists (tackon #target "S/Startup-Sequence"))
(exists (tackon #target "DEVS"))
(exists (tackon #target "LIBS"))
(exists (tackon #target "C")) ))
(abort #no-assign)
;set @default-dest to user selected target
(set @default-dest #target)
;get directory to save old files
(set stash_old (tackon #target #old-name))
;rename old files
(set startup-sequence (tackon #target "S/Startup-Sequence"))
(set mountlist (tackon #target "DEVS/MountList"))
;get all existing files
(set oldfiles "")
(if (exists startup-sequence)
(set oldfiles (cat oldfiles startup-sequence "\n"))
(if (exists mountlist)
(set oldfiles (cat oldfiles mountlist "\n"))
;if some oldfiles found
(if (> (strlen oldfiles) 0)
(if (askbool (prompt (#move-old stash_old oldfiles))
(help (#move-old-help stash_old))
(choices #move-old-1 #move-old-2)
(default 1)
;then do it
; create new directory w icon
(makedir stash_old (infos))
; create s and devs subdirectory
(makedir (tackon stash_old "S"))
(makedir (tackon stash_old "Devs"))
; copy startup-sequence to old-drawer
(if (exists startup-sequence)
(delete (tackon stash_old "S/Startup-Sequence"))
(source startup-sequence)
(dest (tackon stash_old "S/Startup-sequence"))
;copy mountlist to old-drawer
(if (exists mountlist)
(delete (tackon stash_old "DEVS/Mountlist"))
(source mountlist)
(dest (tackon stash_old "DEVS/Mountlist"))
(complete 5)
; now copy ViNCEd to target
; ask user to insert VNC
(set #vncsource "/")
(if (> @user-level 1)
(set #vncsource (askdir (prompt #ask-vnc)
(help #ask-vnc-help)
(default "/")
(makeassign "..VNC.." #vncsource (safe))
(set #guide-path (askfile (prompt #browser-where)
(help #browser-help)
(default (tackon #target "Utilities/MultiView"))
(if #guide-path
(run ("\"%s\" ..VNC..:Top_Secret!" #guide-path))
(execute "..VNC..:Install/Secret" (safe))
;copy library
(if (> @user-level 1)
(set #pi-copy-lib
(askbool (prompt #copy-lib)
(help #copy-lib-help)
(default 1)
(choices #yes #no)
(set #pi-copy-lib 1)
(if #pi-copy-lib
(set #libs (tackon #target "LIBS"))
(if (not (exists #libs))
(makedir #libs)
(copyfiles (source "..VNC..:LIBS/vnc.library")
(dest #libs)
(complete 10)
;copy preference-program
(if (> @user-level 1)
(set #pi-copy-setvnc
(askbool (prompt #copy-setvnc)
(help #copy-setvnc-help)
(default 1)
(choices #yes #no)
(set #pi-copy-setvnc 1)
(if #pi-copy-setvnc
(set #cdir (tackon #target "C"))
(if (not (exists #cdir))
(makedir #cdir)
(copyfiles (source "..VNC..:C/SetVNC.coded")
(dest "T:")
(if (<> 0 (run "..VNC..:Extras/Decode T:SetVNC.coded"))
(abort #exit-not-decoded)
(rename "T:SetVNC.coded" "T:SetVNC")
(copyfiles (source "T:SetVNC")
(dest #cdir)
(delete "T:SetVNC")
;remove the obsolete DEVS:VNC-Configuration file if present
(if (>= #version 36)
(if (exists (tackon #target "Devs/VNC-Configuration"))
(delete (tackon #target "Devs/VNC-Configuration"))
(if (exists (tackon #target "Devs/VNC-Configuration.info"))
(delete (tackon #target "Devs/VNC-Configuration.info"))
(complete 15)
;add language-specific if 2.1 or higher
(if (>= #version 38)
(if (> @user-level 1)
(set #lang_mask (askoptions (prompt #do-locale)
(help #locale-help)
(default -1)
(choices "English"
(set #lang_mask -1)
(if (in #lang_mask 1)
(set #lang_arg "Deutsch")
(if (in #lang_mask 2)
(set #lang_arg "Svenska")
(complete 20)
;add mountlist entry if release 2.0 or less
(if ( > @user-level 1)
(set #mount-pi (askbool (prompt #do-mount)
(help #mount-help)
(default 1)
(choices #yes #no)
(set #mount-pi 1)
(if #mount-pi
(if (< #version 38)
(set joinsoure "..VNC..:DEVS/Mount_VNC")
(set name (tackon #target "devs/MountList"))
(set joinsoure "..VNC..:DEVS/Mount_NEWCON")
;else copy the icons
(source "..VNC..:DEVS/DosDrivers")
(dest (tackon #target "DEVS/DosDrivers"))
;get drawer to copy preference-icon
(set #prefsdrawer #target)
(if (exists (tackon #prefsdrawer "Prefs"))
(set #prefsdrawer (tackon #prefsdrawer "Prefs"))
(complete 25)
(if (> @user-level 1)
(set #pi-copy-prefs
(askbool (prompt #do-prefs)
(help #prefs-help)
(default 1)
(choices #yes #no)
(set #pi-copy-prefs 1)
;copy preference-icon
(if #pi-copy-prefs
(copyfiles (source "..VNC..:Prefs/SetVNC.info")
(dest #prefsdrawer)
(tooltype (dest (tackon #prefsdrawer "SetVNC"))
(if (> #version 35)
(set #archive (tackon #prefsdrawer "Env-Archive/sys"))
(set #presets (tackon #prefsdrawer "Presets/sys"))
(if (exists #archive)
(copyfiles (source "..VNC..:Prefs/Env-Archive/sys")
(dest #archive)
(if (exists #presets)
(copyfiles (source "..VNC..:Prefs/Env-Archive/sys")
(dest #presets)
(set #archive (tackon #target "Devs"))
(if (exists #archive)
(copyfiles (source "..VNC..:Prefs/Env-Archive/sys")
(dest #archive)
(complete 30)
;ask user to install the vnc-guide
(if (> @user-level 1)
(set #do-help (askbool (prompt #copy-help)
(help #copy-help-help)
(default 1)
(choices #yes #no)
(set #do-help 1)
(if #do-help
(set #where-guide (askdir (prompt #help-dir)
(help #help-help)
(default (tackon #target "Guides"))
(if #where-guide
(source "..VNC..:Guides/VNC.Guide")
(dest #where-guide)
(source "..VNC..:Guides/VNC.Guide.info")
(dest #where-guide)
(if #pi-copy-prefs
(dest (tackon #prefsdrawer "SetVNC"))
(settooltype "HELPPATH" (tackon #where-guide "VNC.guide"))
(if (= #guide-path "")
(set #guide-path (askfile (prompt #browser-where)
(help #browser-help)
(default (tackon #target "Utilities/MultiView"))
(if #guide-path
(dest (tackon #where-guide "VNC.Guide"))
(setdefaulttool #guide-path)
(complete 35)
;now install the scripts
(if (> @user-level 1)
(set #pi-copy-scripts (askbool (prompt #do-scripts)
(help #scripts-help)
(default 1)
(choices #yes #no)
(if #pi-copy-scripts
(set #script-location
(askdir (prompt #where-scripts)
(help #where-scripts-help)
(default (tackon #target "S"))
(if #script-location
(if (not (exists #script-location))
(makedir (#script-location))
(set #pi-copy-scripts 0)
(set #pi-copy-scripts 1)
(set #script-location (tackon #target "S"))
(complete 40)
(if #pi-copy-scripts
(copyfiles (source "..VNC..:S/fg")
(dest #script-location)
(run ("c:Protect ..VNC..:S/fg s add"))
(copyfiles (source "..VNC..:S/bg")
(dest #script-location)
(run ("c:Protect ..VNC..:S/bg s add"))
(copyfiles (source "..VNC..:S/fork")
(dest #script-location)
(run ("c:Protect ..VNC..:S/fork s add"))
(copyfiles (source "..VNC..:S/SetFont")
(dest #script-location)
(run ("c:Protect ..VNC..:S/SetFont s add"))
(copyfiles (source "..VNC..:S/SetKeyboard")
(dest #script-location)
(run ("c:Protect ..VNC..:S/SetKeyBoard s add"))
(copyfiles (source "..VNC..:S/More")
(dest #script-location)
(run ("c:Protect ..VNC..:S/More s add"))
(complete 45)
; now modify the startup-sequence
;first get the name
(if (>= #version 36)
(set #nametype 1)
(set #nametype 2)
;now ask the expert user if it's O.K.
(if (> @user-level 1)
(set #nametype ( + (askchoice
(prompt #which-name)
(help #which-name-help)
(choices "VNC" "NEWCON")
) 1)
(if (= #nametype 1)
(set #installcmd "Mount VNC:")
(set #installcmd "Mount NEWCON:")
(if (>= #version 36)
(set #installcmd (cat ";" #installcmd))
(if (> @user-level 1)
(set #pi-copy-icon (askbool (prompt #copy-icon)
(help #copy-icon-help)
(default 1)
(choices #yes #no)
(set #pi-copy-icon 1)
(set #icon-pos #target)
(if (not (exists (tackon #icon-pos "Shell.info")))
(set #icon-pos (tackon #target "System"))
(if (> @user-level 1)
(if #pi-copy-icon
(set #icon-pos (askdir (prompt #where-shell)
(help #where-shell-help)
(default #icon-pos)
(if #icon-pos
(if #pi-copy-icon
(if (exists (tackon #icon-pos "Shell.Info"))
(delete (tackon #icon-pos "Shell.info"))
(if (= #nametype 1)
(source "..VNC..:Shell_VNC.info")
(dest #icon-pos)
(rename (tackon #icon-pos "Shell_VNC.info")
(tackon #icon-pos "Shell.info"))
(source "..VNC..:Shell.info")
(dest #icon-pos)
(tooltype (dest (tackon #icon-pos "Shell"))
(if (> @user-level 0)
(set #do-override
(askbool (prompt #override-con)
(help #override-help)
(default 1)
(choices #yes #no)
(set #do-override 1)
(if #do-override
(set #installcmd (cat #installcmd "\nSetVNC Quiet Mount Override as CON:"))
(startup "VNC"
(command #installcmd)
(prompt #modify-startup)
(help (#modify-startup-help #installcmd))
(complete 50)
;now install documentation-files for expert user
(if (> @user-level 1)
(if (askbool (prompt #do-docs)
(help #docs-help)
(default 0)
(choices #yes #no)
(set #where-docs (askdir (prompt #docs-where)
(help #docs-help)
(default (tackon #target "Include"))
(if #where-docs
(source "..VNC..:Include")
(dest #where-docs)
(complete 55)
(if (exists (tackon #target "LIBS/rexxsyslib.library"))
(if (> @user-level 1)
(set #patch-arexx (askbool (prompt #do-patch)
(help #patch-help)
(default 1)
(choices #yes #no)
(set #patch-arexx 1)
(if #patch-arexx
(set #rlibs (tackon #target "LIBS/rexxsyslib.library"))
(set #libs (tackon #target "LIBS"))
(if (not (exists #libs))
(makedir #libs)
(if (= 0 (run ("..VNC..:Extras/SPatch -ot:rexxsyslib.library -p..VNC..:ARexx/rexxsyslib.pch \"%s\"" #rlibs)))
(copyfiles (source "t:rexxsyslib.library")
(dest #libs)
(complete 70)
(if (>= #version 37)
(if (> @user-level 0)
(set #pi-copy-stringsnip (askbool (prompt #copy-stringsnip)
(help #stringsnip-help)
(default 1)
(choices #yes #no)
(set #pi-copy-stringsnip 1)
(if #pi-copy-stringsnip
(copyfiles (source "..VNC..:Extras/StringSnip")
(dest (tackon #target "C"))
(startup "StringSnip"
(command "StringSnip >NIL: install")
(prompt #install-stringsnip)
(help #stringsnip-help)
(complete 80)
(if (>= #version 37)
(if (> @user-level 0)
(set #pi-copy-uxd (askbool (prompt #copy-unixdirs)
(help #unixdirs-help)
(default 0)
(choices #yes #no)
(set #pi-copy-multi 0)
(if #pi-copy-uxd
(copyfiles (source "..VNC..:Extras/UnixDirs3/UnixDirs3")
(dest (tackon #target "C"))
(startup "UnixDirs3"
(prompt #install-unixdirs)
(help #unixdirs-help)
(set #pi-uxd-guide (askbool (prompt #copy-uxhelp)
(help #copy-uxhelphelp)
(default 1)
(choices #yes #no)
(if #pi-uxd-guide
(if (= #where-guide "")
(set #where-guide (askdir (prompt #help-dir)
(help #help-help)
(default (tackon #target "Guides"))
(if #where-guide
(copyfiles (source "..VNC..:Extras/UnixDirs3/UnixDirs3.guide")
(dest #where-guide)
(copyfiles (source "..VNC..:Extras/UnixDirs3/UnixDirs3.guide.info")
(dest #where-guide)
(complete 90)
(if (>= #version 37)
(if (> @user-level 0)
(set #pi-copy-multi (askbool (prompt #copy-multiassigns)
(help #multiassigns-help)
(default 1)
(choices #yes #no)
(set #pi-copy-multi 1)
(if #pi-copy-multi
(copyfiles (source "..VNC..:Extras/TrueMultiAssigns")
(dest (tackon #target "C"))
(startup "TrueMultiAssigns"
(command "TrueMultiAssigns")
(prompt #install-multiassigns)
(help #multiassigns-help)
(complete 100)
(exit #exit-text)